Promoting French Language Learning for Young Children

Register for the information session!

June 28, 2023 | 1-1:30 ET | Virtual (Zoom) | FREE

Register Today:

 June 28

Why Attend?

Learn about upcoming free training and funding opportunities to help support children’s early development by introducing fun French language activities into your English programming! No French language skills are necessary for participation.  

We invite you to join the information session on June 28.


Families Canada, Canadian Parents for French (CPF), and 123 Petits Pas are developing an e-module to help Anglophone family support practitioners incorporate activities that help young children learn about French into their existing programs.  

In this information session, our expert partners will explain how introducing French activities can positively impact children’s early development. They will also share a fun example activity that you can immediately use in your work to help children grow a love of French language learning. 

We will also discuss additional free resources, and upcoming funding opportunities for family support centres who would like to help children love French.  

No French language skills are required to join the info session or participate in the project! 

Discussion Topics

The benefits of French second language learning on early childhood development.

A fun activity that you can use in your work with children.

Upcoming training and funding opportunities.

Who Are the Recommended Participants ?

We are looking for Anglophones to participate in the project (both individuals who do not have French language skills + individuals who may have some French language skills but are not comfortable speaking in French.  

We invite anyone whose work requires direct interactions with young children, including (but not limited to): 

  • Family support centres that do not have bilingual early childhood programs 
  • Family support centres that currently run, or want to run bilingual early childhood programs 
  • Family support service providers 
  • Frontline staff, management, executive officers 
  • Families Canada members  

In partnership with:

Save your spot!

June 28